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Ad Monetization

Appodeal SDK 3.0! - 4 Top Reasons to Upgrade!

Appodeal’s 3.0 SDK version is now available for all game developers to download, with plenty of new features: From getting more support with Firebase Analytics to integrating a consent manager that will prevent your app from getting banned from the app store.

Marc Llobet
Marc Llobet
Ad Monetization

How to test Hundreds of Ad Creatives every week?

Appodeal's BidManager allows you to automate time-consuming tasks like launching new campaigns in bulk or A/B testing creatives in different ad networks in a matter of minutes.

Patricia Weil
Patricia Weil

How to Monetize a Shopping List App Worldwide, with Listonic.

Last week we had an amazing webinar with Kamil Janiszewski, Chief Revenue Officer & Co-founder at Listonic. We discussed, among other things, How to Develop & Monetize an App like Listonic and turn it into one of the most popular and profitable mobile shopping apps in the world. If you don’t want to miss the […]

Marc Llobet
Marc Llobet
Ad Monetization

How to Monetize Hyper-Casual Games with Success

The Keys to Success on Hyper-Casual Games. Each studio has its unique Keys to Success. However, if there's one key to success that they all share, it is to (...) and if you want a reliable monetization partner and start making real money from your ads...

Marc Llobet
Marc Llobet