Mobile In-app Ad Monetization

eCPM Report

for 2023 Q4

Optimize your Ad Monetization, find new audiences, and increase your ad revenues. Boost your eCPMs with the freshest data!
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Revisited eCPM data of the Mobile Ad Industry

The Freshest Data
Monthly & quarterly data on 2023.
18 Countries
Top Mature & Emerging countries.
300+ Billion Impressions
Rewarded Video, Interstitial, Banner.
125.000+ Mobile Apps Analyzed
on iOS & Android.
80+ Ad Demand Sources
Focus on your top performance metrics.
Interactive Infographics
Easily navigate through all the data.

Ready for the Holiday Sales!

Check out the key insights, or analyze the data yourself to find new growth opportunities for your Mobile Apps & Games!
Get Your Report

Personalize your Monetization Strategy in 3 steps!

Identify Similar Behaviors
in the different countries of your users
Create Your Markets
Where you’ve detected potential opportunities in the report
Adjust your Ad Configuration
For those markets where your metrics can improve
We’ve chosen the 18 most representative countries of all the global Markets.

Take a Peek

eCPM Report for 2023 Q4 Peek #1
eCPM Report for 2023 Q4 Peek #2
eCPM Report for 2023 Q4 Peek #3
eCPM Report for 2023 Q4 Peek #4

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