An Appodeal Report

Mobile Casual Games 

Trends & Growth

As the mobile gaming industry continues to evolve, understanding the latest trends and growth patterns is crucial for staying ahead.
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Revisited eCPM data of the Mobile Ad Industry

The Freshest Data
From October 2023 to March 2024.
In the USA
Focused data in one of the most lucrative markets.
Billions of Installs
Aggregated anonymized data to ensure the highest accuracy.
5+ Mobile Games
on both iOS & Android.
Top-10 Charts
Get inspired by the best.
Interactive Graphics
Expand info in a click.

Become a Top-Earning Hit

Check out the key insights, or analyze the data yourself to find new growth opportunities for your Mobile Apps & Games!
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Improve your Business Strategy in 3 steps!

Identify Similar Trends
from games who are excelling
Adjust your Game
Tweak your mechanics for success
Reach the Top Charts
And become profitable
We’ve chosen the most representative games for the USA market.

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