Marc Llobet

Marc Llobet

Monetization & Marketing since 2013. Mobile + Gaming + Ad-Tech Industry. Helping mobile start-ups and indie developers to grow their games, and connecting the dots between the KPIs & Metrics with the product strategy, design & optimization to ensure the max revenue & growth. When I'm not managing the Growth and Product Marketing in Appodeal, I'm devouring AAA & Indie Games.

Guide: How to Run a Game Concept Test

Conducting Game Concept Tests before you start building your game drastically increases your likelihood of building and launching a successful game. Check out our 45-page guide for the detailed step-by-step instructions on how you can start running your own game concept test!

Marc Llobet
Marc Llobet
Ad Monetization

How to Monetize Hyper-Casual Games with Success

The Keys to Success on Hyper-Casual Games. Each studio has its unique Keys to Success. However, if there's one key to success that they all share, it is to (...) and if you want a reliable monetization partner and start making real money from your ads...

Marc Llobet
Marc Llobet
Ad Monetization

Appodeal Adds app-ads.txt to Strengthen Fraud Protection

The widespread adoption of ads.txt file across web platforms paved the way for app-ads.txt to finally enter the world of in-app mobile ads. This simple text file is quite easy to apply and quite effective in fighting fraud and spoofing.

Marc Llobet
Marc Llobet