Updated on July 5th, 2024.

Every quarter, we update our Mobile eCPM Report, analyzing the eCPM of millions of ad impressions worldwide from 80+ Ad Networks, only to provide you with the Latest Trends and insights into the Mobile Ad Industry.

Check out the key insights, or analyze the data to find new growth opportunities for your Mobile Apps and games!

With the quarterly Mobile eCPM Report, you can finally watch the evolution of the Mobile Ad Industry in its full depth. Learn how the eCPM has evolved in each Country, Platform, and ad Type.

Optimize your Ad Monetization Strategy, find new audiences, and learn new ways to increase your revenues.

For a broader spectrum of the mobile in-app ad industry, check our 2024 Yearly Mobile eCPM Report, 25-Pages long. An in-depth analysis of the Mobile Ad Industry with rankings for Ad Networks, Ad Types & Top Markets. With interactive graphs!

Click the worldwide map and evolution graph to get all the details for each country. As usual, you still have the quick bullet-point analysis with the top key insights for each ad format. Just remember that our analyses are provided for informational purposes. Developers and publishers should consider multiple variables in their ad monetization strategies to achieve optimal results.

Summary - Updated on July 2024:

The freshest Mobile eCPM Report!

Rewarded Video Ads eCPM in Mobile Apps & Games

Full-Screen Ads eCPM in Mobile Apps & Games

Banner Ads eCPM in Mobile Apps & Games

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

About the Data Source of the Mobile eCPM Report

It's easy to discuss bringing transparency into the nebulous mobile ad world. But in general, it's always better to show than tell.

Appodeal Growth Platform, among other services, helps mobile app publishers and developers monetize their apps by making over 70 ad demand sources compete for each ad impression.

Our algorithm then evaluates all the ad bids and serves the ad with the highest bid.

The Mobile eCPM Report represents the average eCPMs from billions of ad impressions served during the analyzed period for each country worldwide where we have significant impressions data. It focuses primarily on our top 3 ad formats (rewarded videos, full-screen ads, and banner ads), broken down by iOS and Android.  

We hope mobile app publishers and developers will find this quarterly Mobile eCPM Report useful as a benchmark for your app's ad revenue and for gaining a fuller understanding of earning potentials worldwide as your app grows.

2024 Q1 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Click to view the Mobile eCPM Report for 23Q4.

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2023 Q4 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Click to view the Mobile eCPM Report for 23Q4.

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2023 Q3 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Click to view the Mobile eCPM Report for 23Q3.

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2023 Q2 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Click to view the Mobile eCPM Report for 23Q2.

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

On the iOS platform:

On the Android platform

2023 Q1 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Click to view the Mobile eCPM Report for 23Q1.

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2022 Q4 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Click to view the New 3-Page design of the Mobile eCPM Report. Now featuring ten new countries in our monthly report! Check the 'worldwide map' and the 'monthly evolution charts' of 2022 Q3 for both iOS and Android platforms.

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

2022 Q3 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2022 Q2 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

2022 Q1 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2021 Q4 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

2021 Q3 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2021 Q2 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

2021 Q1 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2020 Q4 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

2020 Q3 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2020 Q2 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

Early Covid-19 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Overall Analysis of eCPM during Early Covid

A correlation exists between when a country went into lockdown, more active users, and the number of ad impressions delivered. Countries that started imposing nationwide lockdowns saw a strong overall increase in ad impressions. However, the ad impressions increased and were not consistent across all apps.

Analyzing samples of gaming apps over several months, some apps showed notable ad impressions increase while others remained the same. The countries that increased ad impressions by acquiring or reactivating their users generally gained net ad revenue, despite eCPM decreasing in some markets.

Key Insights by Ad Types

Key Insights by Markets

China, which started the lockdown in February, saw its eCPM drop drastically. Even as their lockdown ended in March, their eCPM continued to drop.

Other countries that started lockdowns in March did not show a consistent eCPM change. In Italy, they went down, but in other countries, like Spain and the U.S., they went up.

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

2020 Q1 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights of Rewarded Video Ads

Key Insights of Full-Screen Ads

Key Insights of Banner Ads

2019 Q4 - Historic of Mobile eCPM Report

Key Insights

Singup desktop inline blogbanner

We're thrilled to announce the release of our latest resource: "How to Choose the Best Mobile Publisher." This guide is tailored for game developers like you, who are on the cusp of transforming their mobile game from a dream into a global phenomenon.

Click here to download your copy of the guide.

Why This Guide is Essential for Every Developer

To publish a mobile game in this dynamic and ever-changing industry is becoming increasingly challenging daily. However, there are thousands of mobile studios and app developers that nowadays still can find a market niche and build successful businesses.

They find success by many factors, and one of them is to make the right choice when they look for a mobile publisher. Still, it can be daunting with such a wide array of choices. Your game's success hinges not just on its quality, but also on the strategic partnerships you form.

This is where choosing the right mobile publisher becomes crucial. So, we have created this guide for you.

What’s Inside the Guide?

Our guide delves deep into the critical aspects of selecting a mobile publisher:

  1. Understanding the Role of a Mobile Publisher: Learn how the right publisher can elevate your game.
  2. Pros and Cons of Publisher vs. Self-Publishing: Weigh your options with an objective lens.
  3. Key Considerations in Choosing a Mobile Publisher: What to look for and avoid.
  4. The Technical Side: Analyzing publisher platforms and tools.
  5. Beyond Contracts - The Publisher-Developer Relationship: Understand why a good relationship matters.
  6. Special Feature - Appodeal's Accelerator Program: Explore how our program can benefit your game.

Our guide is more than just an informational resource; it's a roadmap to your game's success.

This guide has everything from assessing technological expertise to understanding the nuances of publisher-developer dynamics.

Ready to Make Your Game a Global Success?

Embarking on your mobile game’s journey requires more than developing a great game. It's about making smart, informed decisions. Our guide, "How to Choose the Best Mobile Publisher" is your first step towards ensuring your game receives the visibility, engagement, and revenue it deserves.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to make the best choice for your mobile game.

Click here to download your copy of the guide.

Let's turn your mobile game into the next big success!

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

At Appodeal, we're committed to standing with you—game studios and mobile app developers—through these changes. We offer the tools, insights, and support you need to thrive in this vibrant, evolving arena. While the path forward may be uncertain, we believe that together, we can navigate this exciting new world of mobile app marketing and unlock your product's full potential.

AUSTIN, TX / September 27th, 2023

Appodeal and Pollen VC announce a strategic partnership to empower app developers and game studios. This collaboration provides immediate access to essential resources and financial support, enabling rapid and efficient app scaling.

The partnership is a natural extension of Appodeal and Pollen VC's mission to empower app creators and developers. 

Appodeal, a pioneer in in-app bidding and mobile app growth, and Pollen VC, a provider of credit lines to mobile game and app developers, join forces to offer a comprehensive solution that combines ad mediation, user acquisition, business intelligence, and financial support. 

"Pollen VC's innovative financing solutions perfectly align with our vision to empower app creators to stay independent and retain control over their intellectual property," says Pavel Golubeff, CEO and founder at Appodeal. "Together with Pollen VC, we can offer a comprehensive solution that addresses both the operational and financial challenges faced by mobile app businesses, enabling them to scale rapidly and achieve maximum growth."

This partnership will benefit not only Appodeal users, but also all applicants to the Appodeal Accelerator Program. By joining forces with Pollen VC, Appodeal is taking a step further to provide mobile app businesses with non-dilutive financing options and flexible credit lines, enabling them to unlock the value trapped in their accounts receivable (AR) and reinvest into UA to scale quickly without relying on dilutive equity funding.

For Pollen VC, the partnership with Appodeal reinforces its commitment to providing mobile app developers and game studios with the financial tools and resources they need to succeed. 

"Appodeal's comprehensive growth platform and expertise in ad mediation, user acquisition, and business intelligence make them an ideal partner for us," says Martin Macmillan, CEO at Pollen VC. "We are excited to work together to provide mobile app businesses with the most simple and transparent financing solutions to supercharge their revenue growth in a safe and capital-efficient way."

Appodeal and Pollen VC are jointly committed to helping mobile app businesses thrive in a competitive market. With Appodeal's cutting-edge tools and Pollen VC's flexible financing options, app creators can optimize their monetization strategies, accelerate user acquisition, and manage ad campaigns—all from a single dashboard. Additionally, the collaboration will enable app creators to access financial education tools, helping them make informed decisions and optimize their capital mix.

As of today, app creators and game studios can join the Appodeal Accelerator Program and, in parallel, apply for a credit line with Pollen.VC. The application processes are simple and straightforward, and the partnership provides all the necessary tools to evaluate metrics, set up UA campaigns, and optimize finances.

Appodeal: A self-service Growth Platform

Appodeal's all-in-one growth platform includes three key engines: ad mediation, user acquisition, and business intelligence. These tools align data from different sources, enabling app creators to build user acquisition strategies based on the monetization potential of specific segments.

With one SDK integration, app developers and publishers can access a wide range of growth tools, business insights, and ad demand sources, enabling them to self-publish their apps while staying independent. 

Appodeal's Growth Platform is suitable for publishers of all kinds and sizes, eliminating the need for mobile studios to rely on publishers and for bigger publishers to develop their own Business Intelligence technologies.

Moreover, Appodeal's Accelerator Program provides tools, resources, and mentorship to scale apps quickly and effectively. Studios can access UA funding, industry-leading tools, and a team of experts to optimize user acquisition, engagement, LiveOps, monetization, ASO, and ad creatives.

Pollen VC: Flexible Financing for Mobile App Businesses

Pollen VC provides credit lines to mobile game and app studios of up to 4x their monthly revenues. It integrates directly with app stores and ad networks to offer a flexible line of credit, enabling app creators to receive funds to their bank account every week. 

Mobile studios can reduce or eliminate the need for additional equity financing, improve valuation, and optimize their capital mix by focusing on capital efficiency. This approach enables creators to supercharge revenue growth safely and maintain control of their business.

Pollen VC's financing solutions are designed to be simple, transparent, and easy to understand, helping app creators unlock the value trapped in their AR and existing users and reinvest into UA to scale quickly without relying on dilutive equity funding.

For more information on how Appodeal and Pollen VC can support your mobile app business, please visit appodeal.com and pollen.vc.

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

If you're a mobile app developer or part of a game studio, you already know how fiercely competitive the app market can be. Having an idea for an app is only the first step of a long journey. But how do you ensure that your idea has potential? That's where the importance of idea validation comes into play.

Imagine pouring countless hours and resources into developing a mobile app, only to discover there's no real demand for it or it needs to meet user expectations.

Heartbreaking, isn't it? This is a trap many developers fall into. They have a great idea and start coding immediately without testing it in the real world. The problem with this approach is that it takes more work to become enamored with an idea and assume that everyone else will because you think it's fantastic. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case.

That's why idea validation is so important. It's about ensuring your idea is feasible and has the potential for success before diving into the nitty-gritty of app development. It's about making informed decisions and reducing risks. It's about understanding your users' wants and tailoring your app to meet those needs.

Your objective is not only to build an app but to build an app that will be used and loved by millions.

Table of Contents

  1. Research your Mobile App Idea
  2. Ideation: A/B test your Audience
  3. Build & Prioritize Your Prototypes
  4. Create Variations for A/B Testing
  5. Designing an A/B Test Strategy
  6. Analyze & Iterate your Test Results
  7. Implementing the winning Variations
  8. Re-evaluate & go back to step 1
  9. (extra) Tips & Strategies to Reach the Top Charts
  10. Time to Take Action!

Introduction to the 8-Steps to A/B Test your Mobile App Idea:

To help you navigate the path from idea to successful app, I have an 8-step validation framework for you. 

This tried-and-tested approach gives you a systematic way to test your app idea, understand your users, and make data-driven decisions. It involves researching your market, formulating and testing hypotheses, analyzing the results, and continually iterating on your idea.

I'll walk you through each step in detail in the next sections. We'll explore techniques and strategies you can apply directly to your app development process

Validating your app idea is crucial in your journey as an app creator. 

To ensure your efforts lead to a successful app that meets user needs and stands out in the market, let's delve deeper into our roadmap to app validation success

1. Research your mobile app idea

1.1. Market Analysis

First things first - get to know your market. 

For that, you must conduct a Market Analysis. This way, you'll gain a holistic understanding of the environment in which your mobile app will operate. 

This step will involve investigating trends, assessing the size and growth of the market, and identifying any existing gaps or opportunities. The app market is dynamic and constantly evolving, so keeping abreast of changes and trends is crucial for ensuring your app stays relevant and competitive.

1.2. Competitor Analysis

Next up, take a closer look at your potential competitors. 

Understanding who you're against is key to crafting an app that can outshine the rest. Analyze what they're doing well and where they're falling short. Investigate their features, design elements, marketing strategies, and, most importantly, how users react to their apps. 

This will provide invaluable insights and inspiration when formulating your app concept and design.

1.3. Audience Analysis

Last but certainly not least, you need to dive into the minds of your potential users. Who are they? What are their needs and expectations? What motivates them? 

Conducting a comprehensive audience analysis will allow you to tailor your app to meet user demands and exceed their expectations.

2. Ideation: A/B tests to Understand your Audience

2.1. How to generate Ideas for A/B Testing?

Once you've gathered all the necessary data, it's time to get creative. 

At this stage, you should focus on generating a range of ideas for testing. These could be anything from various design concepts, features, or marketing strategies. It's about understanding user motivation. 

You must consider what your users want and how your app can deliver it. And don't be afraid to think small. Even slight changes can have a significant impact on user engagement and satisfaction.

2.2. Understand Your User’s Motivation

This is where the magic happens. 

By understanding your users' motivations, you can create an app that truly resonates with them. Consider what would make them choose your app over another. 

Is it a unique feature? An engaging design? A solution to a problem they're experiencing? Generate hypotheses based on your ideas, ready for testing in the next phase.

Every app exists to provide a solution for the user. The more deeply you understand your user's needs and motivations, the better equipped you'll be to deliver an app that hits the mark. 

So, keep your users front and center as you move on to the next steps of hypothesis forming and testing.

3. Build & Prioritize your Hypothesis

The next step on our roadmap to validation success is the formation of hypotheses. This is where we apply our understanding of our users and insights from research to make educated predictions about our app.

3.1. Craft plenty of Hypotheses for your mobile app.

Crafting a hypothesis involves translating your assumptions about user behavior and preferences into a testable statement. 

This could be something like "If we add this feature, it will increase user engagement" or "Incorporating this other feature in our support team will enhance customer service satisfaction". 

Your hypothesis should always be clear, precise, and firmly rooted in the insights gleaned from your research and ideation stages.

3.2. Prioritize your Hypotheses: Viability vs. Impact

Not all hypotheses will have the same value for your mobile app. You’ll likely have numerous hypotheses, so you must prioritize which to test first. 

The prioritization should be based on factors like the potential impact on users, the feasibility of implementing the feature, and its alignment with your app’s goals. It's also crucial to consider the risk involved and how much resource the hypothesis would consume if it fails.

Prioritizing in this way ensures you’re focusing your efforts where they're likely to yield the most significant results.

4. Create Variations for A/B Testing

Now that we have our hypotheses sorted and prioritized, it's time to create variations for testing. These variations, also known as 'variants,' are the different versions of your app features that will be tested against each other to see which performs better.

Creating variations is crucial because it allows you to see firsthand how different versions of your app will resonate with users. 

This is not a stage to cut corners. Each variant should be thoughtfully designed, meticulously built, and thoroughly reviewed before being tested.

Specify the metric that you want to improve. Otherwise, you won’t be able to understand if the A/B test was successful or did not influence that metric at all.

It’s also best not to run several hypotheses in parallel if they affect the same metrics and audiences. Multiple A/B tests targeting the same audiences and affecting the same metrics will conflict and render misleading results.

Each variation you create allows you to learn more about your users and get one step closer to an app that meets their needs. So make each one count. 

5. Designing your A/B tests.

Now, we've reached an exciting stage in our journey - the design of the A/B Test. This is where we put our hypotheses and variations to the test. Here's how you can do it.

5.1. Use Native Tests

If your app is already live in the store, conducting native tests is an excellent option. These tests let you try different product page designs directly within the app store. 

Apple, for example, released custom product pages a year ago, which you can use to your advantage. 

These tests allow you to observe real user behavior, which provides invaluable insights.

5.2. Your app is not Live yet? Use Emulated Environments

What if your app isn't live yet? Or perhaps you're cautious about experimenting in a live environment? Fear not. 

Many tools in the mobile industry will allow you to emulate product pages. These pages look and behave exactly like App Store or Google Play pages, giving you a realistic picture of how users would interact with your app.

If your app isn't live, you can wrap up these tests with a poll or quiz to gather more insights about your audience's expectations. It's a great way to obtain actionable data that will help you make your app better.

5.3. A/B test with Web Pages and Social Media Ads

Experimentation should not be limited to the app store or emulated product pages. You can also test your concepts on web pages or social media advertising. 

These methods can offer valuable insights into your audience's preferences and behaviors even when resources are limited. 

All these data you gather should inform your next steps and future A/B tests.

Designing your experiments is about learning as much as possible about your audience. Use every tool, and never be afraid to think outside the box. This is your chance to explore the potential of your app.

6. Analyze & Iterate the Results of your A/B tests

Okay, so you've conducted your tests and gathered a trove of data. But what does it all mean? Here's where we demystify the process of analyzing your results.

6.1. How to interpret your A/B Test results

Analyzing the results of your tests is critical in understanding your user's preferences and the overall effectiveness of your app design. Essentially, there are three possible outcomes from your A/B testing.

First scenario: You see no significant changes in the metrics. That's okay. Consider it a learning experience. It's part of the process. Your experiment might not have provided the insights you hoped for, but it's all part of the learning curve.

Second Scenario: You notice a slight difference between the variations. In this case, consider excluding the least performing one and run the test again. Tweaking and retesting is an integral part of the process.

Third Scenario: Your experiment shows significant changes, and your hypothesis was correct. Congratulations! You've struck gold. It's time to implement those changes into the production environment. Don't hesitate or be fearful. You've done the groundwork. Now it's time to reap the rewards.

6.2. Iterate your A/B tests

The process doesn't stop at a successful experiment. The world of mobile app development is in constant motion, as should your A/B tests. 

Consider the process of iterating your tests as an ongoing journey rather than a destination.

Even after implementing changes and seeing improvements, ask yourself: "Can we do better?". 

Your ultimate goal is to create the best user experience; there's always room for growth. Keep improving, keep testing, and most importantly, keep iterating.

7. Implement the winning variations of your A/B tests

After all the rigorous testing and analysis, it's time to implement the winning variations. In the implementation stage, you incorporate insights from your A/B testing into your app's production environment.

7.1. Incorporate the A/B Testing Results into Production

This is the exciting part, where you see your hard work come to life. 

Your goal here isn't to overhaul your entire app based on a single test. It's about making incremental changes to improve your app's performance and user experience. So, take the winning variation of your test and carefully integrate it into your app.

If you've tested a feature of your app and found a variation that significantly improved click-through rates, implement that feature in the production pipeline. 

Take note of the improvements in your app's performance, and use that information to guide your next round of tests.

7.2. Why must you keep Iterating?

Just because you've implemented changes doesn't mean you're done. The app market is volatile, with user preferences and industry standards continually evolving. 

To stay ahead of the curve, you must constantly iterate and test.

Regularly reassess your app's performance, conduct more A/B tests, and refine your product based on the insights you gather. The beauty of constant iteration is that it helps you stay responsive to changes in the market and user behavior. 

In the fast-paced world of app development, responsiveness is key.

8. Re-evaluate your A/B tests, and go back to Step 1.

Lastly, we circle back to the beginning of our process. After your implementation and monitoring, it's time to re-evaluate and start another round of hypothesis testing. 

You might ask, "Again?!" Absolutely! The process of validation is cyclical, not linear.

Gather your team, revisit your data, and generate new hypotheses based on the insights from your previous tests. This continual loop of testing, implementing, and retesting will ensure that your app stays relevant and continues to meet the needs of your users.

Idea validation is more than just a one-and-done process. It's a continuous journey of learning, adapting, and improving. This journey will help you create an app that truly resonates with your users and stands out in the competitive app market.

9. (EXTRA!) Tips and Strategies to Reach the top charts!

I wanted to finish this A/B testing framework by adding some extra value.

Now that we’ve seen the 8-step process and settled the foundations of validating our app idea, you can explore some advanced strategies to further fine-tune your app idea validation. 

So, let's dig deeper into these strategies:

9.1. Take advantage of your App’s Seasonality.

Seasonality can significantly impact user engagement and revenue, so it's essential to consider it in your app idea validation process. Whether it's holiday periods, major sports events, or even changes in the weather, seasonal trends can significantly affect the success of your app.

First, examine your app's usage data over different periods. Do you notice any patterns related to seasonality? If you do, that's great! You can optimize your app to take advantage of these trends. 

For example, some mobile games might experience increased downloads and user engagement at the start of the new year or during summer, when people have more spare time or kids don’t go to school.

In such cases, planning your A/B testing and implementation around these seasonal trends can provide you with more accurate data and potentially higher returns. You can tailor your app's features, offers, or marketing messages to match these seasonal trends, creating a more personalized and relevant user experience.

9.2. Localization: Tailor your tests to your audience!

In today's globalized world, localization can be a potent tool for increasing your app's reach and engagement. If your app caters to users from different countries, incorporating localization into your validation process is necessary.

Localization is not just about translating your app into different languages. It's about understanding the cultural nuances of each market and adapting your app to meet the specific needs and preferences of users in those regions.

The color schemes, imagery, or even humor that works well for your users in one country may not resonate with users in another country. 

By effectively localizing your app through A/B testing and validation, you can create a user experience that feels tailor-made for each of your target markets, boosting engagement and, ultimately, revenue.

App development isn't a one-size-fits-all process. By combining the power of the 8-step validation process with advanced strategies like seasonality and localization, you can create an app that resonates with your users and stands the test of time. Now, let's move on to the conclusion of our guide!

9.3 Share your findings, and never stop learning.

App development and marketing are ongoing processes that require continuous learning, iteration, and improvement. With that said, let's reflect on some key takeaways.

Sharing your findings with your team is an essential part of the process. It doesn't just involve presenting the results of your tests. It's about fostering a culture of open communication and continuous learning in your organization. 

Insights are most valuable when they're shared and implemented across your team.

Keep your team in the loop about your tests, the results, and the changes you plan to make based on those results. Encourage them to contribute their ideas and perspectives. This approach doesn't just promote a shared understanding of your app's direction but instills a sense of ownership and commitment among your team members.

And, of course, learning doesn't stop once an experiment ends. The mobile app landscape constantly evolves, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Therefore, it's essential to stay curious, keep testing, and continue learning from your users. Because, at the end of the day, they're the ones who truly define your app's success.

Summary of the “8 Steps to A/B Test your Mobile App Idea”

We've traversed a comprehensive 8-step validation framework, starting from research and ideation, going through hypothesis forming and creating variations, to experiment design and result analysis, followed by implementation and re-evaluation.

Each step of this framework is essential in validating your app ideas effectively, providing you with invaluable insights, and minimizing the risk of launching an app that may not resonate with your users. The advanced strategies of capitalizing on seasonality and utilizing effective localization add another layer of sophistication to your validation process.

With platforms like Appodeal, the cumbersome parts of the process, like managing waterfalls, are taken care of. In your Appodeal Dashboard, you will also find tools to A/B test your product, monetization strategy, and business. 

This frees up your time, allowing you to focus on what matters - understanding your users and delivering a remarkable app experience that keeps them returning for more.

So, that's it. It's time to apply these insights to your app development journey. 

Stay curious, keep learning, and never stop testing!

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

At Appodeal, we're committed to standing with you—game studios and mobile app developers—through these changes. We offer the tools, insights, and support you need to thrive in this vibrant, evolving arena. While the path forward may be uncertain, we believe that together, we can navigate this exciting new world of mobile app marketing and unlock your product's full potential.

In the competitive world of mobile app marketing, simply having a great product isn't enough. Developers and game studios face the ongoing challenge of attracting and keeping users engaged, especially with the constant changes in privacy policies and technology.

At Appodeal, we know how tough these changes can be. We're here to help you understand and adapt to this ever-changing landscape. We're lucky to learn from industry experts who successfully share their insights on attracting and engaging users.

This article will explore key strategies that can help boost your user numbers and increase engagement. We'll discuss the importance of natural growth, using social features in your app, and adapting to new privacy rules.

These insights come from industry veterans who have been through it all. They aim to help you survive and thrive in this challenging environment. So, whether you're a big game studio or a new app developer, this article offers useful tips to improve your marketing efforts and take your app to new heights.

Let's dive in!

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

Table of contents

  1. Embracing the SKAdNetwork Framework
  2. Creative Challenges and Loss of Hyper-Targeting
  3. Shifts in Marketing Mix
  4. The Importance of Schemas
  5. Looking Forward to SKAdNetwork 4.0
  6. Adjusting Attribution Models
  7. Exploring Different Channels
  8. Leveraging Social Features for Organic Growth
  9. Utilizing Social Platforms and Influencer Content
  10. The Role of Virality
  11. Referral Programs: Unlocking Organic Growth
  12. Deep Linking: Ensuring Smoother User Experience
  13. Capitalizing on Apple Search Ads
  14. Leveraging Google for User Acquisition
  15. Prioritizing Creatives: The Secret Sauce to Higher Engagement

1. Embracing the SKAdNetwork Framework

It's no secret that implementing the SKAdNetwork framework has profoundly affected mobile app marketing. Many apps and games in the industry found hitting the scan conversion thresholds challenging, particularly concerning retargeting campaigns, especially on iOS. Nonetheless, the community has learned to adapt and work within this new framework.

Adjustments had to be made to how teams allocate their resources. The scan ecosystem changed the traffic mix, meaning not all ad networks and partners could successfully transition. Teams learned to be flexible, moving funds to where they saw the best return on investment.

2. Creative Challenges and Loss of Hyper-Targeting

The lack of visibility into the working creatives on iOS has made creative campaigns more challenging. Furthermore, the loss of hyper-targeting capabilities means that the audience on iOS has broadened significantly.

As a result, campaigns have had to be more versatile and creative in reaching the right audience.

3. Shifts in Marketing Mix

While the marketing mix has not drastically changed, some subtle shifts have occurred.

Budgets are now consistently being switched from one channel to another at a faster rate. Additionally, the focus has moved towards testing new channels quickly, adapting to the SKAdNetwork situation. This approach impacts how budgets are allocated and how campaign success is measured.

4. The Importance of Schemas

A key challenge and a path to success in navigating the SKAdNetwork framework is working on your schemas. This refers to building a schema of aggregated reporting data points without user-level data.

This could include binary coding around reporting to SKAdNetwork or tracking different events and user levels. Although the lack of user-level data might feel like navigating blind, optimizing schemas allows you to measure performance better.

5. Looking Forward to SKAdNetwork 4.0

There are mixed feelings about the potential opportunities and features SKAdNetwork 4.0 might bring. While some are optimistic about Apple providing more visibility and transparency for performance marketers, others believe it won't restore the scenario to what it was pre-SKAdNetwork.

Adoption rates of SKAdNetwork 4.0 have not been as high as anticipated, but it promises to offer a more extended measurement period beyond the initial 24 to 48 hours, making it easier for developers who optimize for long-term returns.

6. Adjusting Attribution Models

Navigating these changes has also required a shift in the preferred attribution models. A mix of SKAdNetwork and other models like probabilistic matching are used to gain as much data as possible. This dual view empowers performance marketers to make better-informed decisions.

As the mobile app marketing landscape evolves, so do marketers' strategies. Despite not offering immediate, actionable data for UA teams, media mix modeling, and incrementality are becoming increasingly crucial. In conjunction with other performance marketing tools, these models help secure a smoother transition into the future.

7. Exploring Different Channels

Expanding into new channels isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. The team at Appodeal discovered that venturing into areas such as CTV (Connected TV) posed measurement challenges. Even when direct response metrics aren't readily apparent, persistence is key. While these challenges may be more daunting for smaller companies, sustained effort is how you build momentum over time.

Not every channel will be a direct response gold mine, but diversifying your efforts can offer incremental growth and open up new user bases. It's all about consistent application and patience in seeing your efforts bear fruit.

8. Leveraging Social Features for Organic Growth

The discussion turned to an essential question: how to leverage social features to drive organic growth?

Firstly, social features within apps were highlighted. Some games and apps are built with a more social environment in mind, encouraging users to invite others to join the experience. This social engagement within apps has the potential to drive organic growth, with user referrals acting as a powerful marketing tool.

The conversation also pointed to plans for Player vs. Player (PvP) mechanics in certain games as a future growth driver. PvP can introduce a competitive edge to the experience, encouraging players to invite friends to join the competition and boosting user engagement and growth.

9. Utilizing Social Platforms and Influencer Content

The experts also discussed leveraging social features within platforms, such as collaborations on Instagram and Spark ads on TikTok. User-generated content (UGC) on platforms like TikTok is an invaluable resource. Brands that already have a presence or following on such platforms can capitalize on content created by fans to promote their apps.

The win-win situation is that influencers boost their engagement, brands get promotional content, and costs are minimal.

10. The Role of Virality

Lastly, the potential virality of games was highlighted. Some games, by their nature, have high virality due to their interactive gameplay, encouraging player-to-player interaction.

While not all game genres may be equally suited to this, incorporating social and viral elements within the game can significantly contribute to organic growth.

11. Referral Programs: Unlocking Organic Growth

One of the crucial ways to encourage organic growth in your mobile gaming community is through well-implemented referral programs. You can create a self-perpetuating growth engine by incentivizing current users to invite their friends to the game. These invitations can be trackable, allowing you to measure the referral program's success.

For instance, with Appodeal's advanced analytics and insights, you can monitor the conversion rate of referral invites and assess the overall performance of your program. Although the process of sharing can be as simple as hitting a share button and texting it out, Appodeal ensures that your in-app sharing feature functions seamlessly and tracks results accurately.

12. Deep Linking: Ensuring Smoother User Experience

Deep linking is another powerful tool that mobile game developers should consider.

It allows you to direct users straight to specific in-game locations from external platforms, thus enhancing the user experience and increasing the likelihood of conversions. These links can be shared through various channels, such as SMS or social media platforms, to invite friends to join a particular game or event within the app.

13. Capitalizing on Apple Search Ads

Apple Search Ads have grown significantly in recent years, and their use has become a cornerstone of effective app marketing strategy. They are a more premium and accurate channel, even if they may be more expensive.

Since Apple search ads are seamlessly integrated into the Apple Store, it allows you to track data more accurately, which can help you optimize your campaigns for better performance.

One approach to expanding Apple Search Ads' effectiveness is targeting specific keywords. This strategy can be particularly beneficial for games with famous IPs, allowing them to target relevant keywords and reach a highly engaged audience.

14. Leveraging Google for User Acquisition

Google also plays a crucial role in user acquisition. It has effectively mastered lower funnel event optimization, making it an excellent source of Android traffic. Its recent advancements towards supporting SKAdNetwork and introducing Quality of Service (QoS) bidding make it an even more compelling choice for iOS traffic.

One of the benefits of Google is that it can match your ad copy with the right people, making targeting easier. This advantage, combined with effective video content, banners, and text ads, can significantly enhance your ad's performance and user acquisition.

15. Prioritizing Creatives: The Secret Sauce to Higher Engagement

Finally, the most effective marketing strategy often revolves around creatives. Creatives are still the most impactful way of drawing in users. The conventional format of hook, gameplay, and call to action remains the winner of all ads.

Different iterations of this format, especially in creating a call to action or depicting gameplay, can significantly impact your ad's effectiveness. Pairing this with user-generated content (UGC) or influencer marketing can further enhance your creativity and improve its performance.

In Conclusion

In the dynamic world of mobile app marketing, the most powerful strategies focus on creating quality products, building and nurturing strong communities, and leveraging genuine, compelling advertising. A thriving, satisfied community translates into a successful product; engaging your players and creating resonant content fosters a sense of belonging that can encourage organic growth and virality.

Simultaneously, exploring new channels, maximizing the potential of in-app social features, and adapting to the shifting landscape are critical steps toward driving this organic growth. Indeed, as the mobile app ecosystem evolves, so should your strategies.

The current climate may prompt a shift towards more traditional marketing, but this can be viewed as a golden opportunity to get back to the roots of marketing and reinvent your strategies. Quality products, genuine ads, and user-focused methods reign supreme.

Facing this rapidly changing landscape might seem daunting, but remember: it's not a sprint but a marathon. Consistent efforts and the right strategies and tools can pave the way for your app's sustained growth and success.

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

At Appodeal, we're committed to standing with you—game studios and mobile app developers—through these changes. We offer the tools, insights, and support you need to thrive in this vibrant, evolving arena. While the path forward may be uncertain, we believe that together, we can navigate this exciting new world of mobile app marketing and unlock your product's full potential.

Appodeal SDK 3.1 is in beta version until this summer.

Are you grappling with frequent app crashes, a convoluted ad setup process, and a maze of data accessibility issues?

If your answer is a resounding 'Yes,' we have exciting news that could revolutionize your app business! At Appodeal, we understand these challenges that you face daily and have committed ourselves to developing solutions tailored to meet your needs. Our answer to your concerns is our meticulously engineered upgrade – the Appodeal SDK 3.1 (currently in beta version).

Are you eager to explore how this upgrade can transform your app business? Let's dive into the details of Appodeal SDK 3.1.

Tackle App Crashes Head-On: Ensure the best User Experience!

If you've been in the app industry long enough, you'll know that app crashes are more than just minor glitches. They disrupt the user experience, hurt your app's retention rate, and, if unchecked, can undermine your app's overall success.

Appodeal SDK 3.1 is designed to combat this key concern.

We have significantly reduced the ANR rates (Application Not Responding). The ANR rate, as measured by Google Play, has a threshold of 0.47%. An ANR rate at or below this threshold is considered acceptable and may positively affect the overall growth of your app.

Moving to SDK 3.1 beta with all top networks, our beta testers managed to reduce the ANR rate to as low as 0.16%.

This remarkable improvement means a smoother, more reliable operation for your app and a superior, hassle-free user experience for your audience. The SDK 3.1 equips you to reduce your app crashes significantly and fosters an engaging environment for your users.

Unified Interstitials: Say Goodbye to Complicated Processes

If you're tired of the cumbersome two-step process of managing static and video interstitials, SDK 3.1 has a pleasant surprise for you!

Our latest SDK 3.1 merges these two ad units into a single waterfall setup configuration, eliminating the need for you to juggle between different setups.

This groundbreaking change simplifies your mediation setup and streamlines your ad management process. No more confusing steps, no more wasted time - with SDK 3.1, you get a hassle-free, efficient ad integration process.

For our existing clients, rest assured, your metrics will remain split. However, new users can enjoy the benefits of a unified, simplified experience. Bid goodbye to complex ad management with SDK 3.1!

Access Rich Data with New Events & Callbacks

Data and insights are pivotal drivers of growth and optimization in the ever-evolving app industry. However, accessing detailed, impression-level revenue data is often a challenge. SDK 3.1 breaks down these barriers with the introduction of the OnAdRevenueReceived callback.

This new feature arms you with invaluable data about network name, revenue, ad type, and more. Imagine having this wealth of information at your fingertips, enabling you to make informed decisions and build effective strategies.

There is no manual intervention or data loss - just smooth, efficient data transfer.

SDK 3.1 also makes data sharing a breeze. If you're using Firebase, seamlessly integrated with the Appodeal SDK, your ad revenue data is automatically dispatched to your dashboard.

Harness the power of data with SDK 3.1 and drive your app's success!

Boost Your App Performance with General Fixes & Improvements

We're committed to ensuring your app remains compatible with the best ad services out there. That's why SDK 3.1 comes loaded with a series of updates and improvements.

This update includes various adapters from the most widely used networks in the industry, enhancing your app's performance and ensuring you stay ahead in the game:

What's more, Appodeal SDK 3.1 now supports apps built on Android, iOS, and Unity platforms.

We understand the importance of staying current, so we're also working on releasing our Unreal adapter. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Summers Sales: Now is the best time to Integrate Appodeal!

We are standing on the cusp of an exciting season in the mobile industry. Summer sales, a high-traffic season for mobile applications, are rapidly approaching. This period brings a surge of active users and potential customers, offering an incredible opportunity for app businesses to skyrocket their growth and revenue.

However, without the right tools and strategies in place, this could also strain your app’s performance, possible crashes due to increased load, and missed opportunities in monetizing the incoming traffic. Equipping your application with an efficient, robust tool like Appodeal SDK 3.1 becomes crucial to mitigate these risks and take full advantage of the season.

By integrating Appodeal SDK 3.1 now, you not only stand to improve your app’s performance significantly but also get a chance to streamline your ad operations before the rush hits. With enhanced crash rate efficiency, simpler ad setup, improved access to crucial data, and increased compatibility, you ensure your app is not just ready to survive the summer sales, but truly thrive in it.

Take the leap and integrate Appodeal SDK 3.1 now. Be prepared, be proactive, and watch as your app scales new heights during the summer sales.

Remember, timing is everything. And there's no time like the present to ensure your app's future success.

Understanding the intricacies of user behavior, churn causes, and lifetime value is not just theoretical but a functional reality. This is the era of data-driven user engagement strategies and refined ad monetization.

Appodeal empowers you with robust tools for understanding your user metrics, monetizing your mobile apps, and boosting users’ LTV (LifeTime Value). In this article, we're going to explore actionable insights that can have a transformative impact on your app's success and profitability.

Our intention? To spark curiosity and arm you with knowledge.

We have crafted this comprehensive guide with real-life scenarios, insights, and tools to assist you in maximizing your game's user retention and ad revenues. Ready to dive in?

Table of Contents

  1. Retention & Engagement still matters
  2. Calculate the Retention Rate of your mobile game
  3. Find out what makes your users churn
  4. Control your Ad Quality to prevent user churn
  5. Activating & Onboarding users: the key for a long-term Retention
  6. Retargeting campaigns to avoid User Churn
  7. Re Engage your users with Rewards and Incentives
  8. Use your Historical Data & Monitor your metrics
  9. Now is the time to boost your Retention Metrics
Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

1. Retention & Engagement still matters

In the dynamic app development world, user retention and engagement remain essential. Retention rates, representing the percentage of users who continue using an app over a set time, are vital to user satisfaction, engagement, and the app's revenue potential.

High retention rates mean users find the app valuable, leading to long-term usage and a stronger user base. This focus on retention helps developers build durable products and secure a competitive edge.

Key benefits of retention rates

LifeTime Value (LTV): A crucial metric

LTV is vital for game studios and app developers as it shows the value a user adds over their lifetime engagement with the app. It helps developers identify their most valuable users and tailor their strategies accordingly to maximize revenue and profitability.

For game developers, LTV calculates the revenue a user generates throughout their engagement with the game. Non-game app developers, especially those with subscription-based apps, use LTV to optimize their subscription models and pricing strategies.

Focusing on retention rates and understanding LTV provide valuable insights for app developers to succeed in the competitive mobile app market.

2. Calculate the Retention Rate of your mobile game

Understanding the retention rate of your mobile game is crucial to assessing user engagement and satisfaction. Here’s a simplified way to calculate it:

Steps to Calculate Retention Rates

  1. Choose a time interval (daily, weekly, monthly, etc).
  2. Select a cohort of users, e.g., those who installed the game within a certain timeframe.
  3. Determine the duration for measuring retention within the chosen cohort.
  4. Divide the number of active users within the specified retention period by the total number of users in the initial cohort.
  5. Repeat the calculation for each period within the desired timeframe for continuous tracking.

Simple Formula & Cohort analysis

Retention rate = users retained at end of period / Total users at the start of the period

While the simple formula gives a general view, comparing the evolution of retention for the same cohorts gives a more nuanced understanding. Different users downloading your game at different times may have varying experiences due to changes in the product, onboarding process, pricing, etc.

And here's two other calculations that may be of interest to you:

Formulas vs. Cohorts

The retention rate reveals growth trends and potential revenue, showing the 'stickiness' of your game. It's more insightful than merely counting downloads or acquisitions. 

However, only tracking the aggregate retention rate may obscure the current trend. Cohort analysis, which compares retention rates by specific time periods, allows for a more accurate understanding of user behavior and retention trends.

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

3. Find out what makes your users churn

Understanding the motivations and behaviors of your user base is crucial for your app's growth. This includes not just pinpointing what drives user engagement but also uncovering the reasons why users might stop using your app or churn. 

Delving into User Drop-off Causes

Increasing the number of users who complete all the steps in your activation funnel is a key objective. To achieve this, it's essential to understand why users drop off in the first place and eliminate those friction points.

Appodeal provides a "funnels" feature that reveals the routes leading users to drop off. These pathways are labeled with the percentage of users following them, enabling the identification of common drop-off points.

For example, you may notice a significant user drop-off when multiple ads are shown in your app. This insight is valuable as it indicates a possible area for improvement to retain more users.

Activating New Users & Identifying Conversion Drivers

Another perspective on drop-off can be obtained by looking at conversion drivers. 

For instance, Appodeal might reveal that the "View Ads" step in the onboarding flow is a point of contention for userse. This could suggest that user experience during this step needs to be optimized.

In conclusion, identifying what your users love and what causes them to churn is a process that requires continuous monitoring and optimization. Using tools like Appodeal, you can understand user behavior more effectively and create an app experience that keeps users engaged and reduces churn.

4. Control your Ad Quality to prevent user churn

As we delve further into our topic, let's discuss an aspect crucial to user retention: managing ad quality. The mobile gaming landscape has shifted significantly over time, with In-App Advertising (IAA) transitioning from a hot-button issue to a crucial part of monetization strategies.

Effective ad technology plays a vital role in this endeavor by offering the necessary data to customize high-quality ads that align with user interests, thereby minimizing any potential disruption to the user experience.

The Ideal Scenario: What does “Great” Ad Strategy Look Like?

A successful ad strategy is characterized by transparent access to vital monetization data and user-friendly, high-performing ad templates. Publishers need ad data that reveals who's buying their ad inventory, the costs involved, and access to various demand sources. Additionally, understanding user interactions with these ads can provide valuable insights to identify why certain ads might lead users to discontinue playing the game.

Publishers can make informed decisions by enhancing transparency in the ecosystem and sharing all available data. They can pinpoint which demand sources and advertisers are linked to decreases in retention and modify their strategies accordingly.

Tools and Techniques for Better Ad Monetization

To effectively enhance ad monetization, publishers need access to transparent data that allows them to identify and isolate poor ad experiences. Additionally, they need tools to act upon this data to maximize game revenues.

Full control over your ad monetization allows you to identify problematic ad experiences, trace their origin, and analyze their impact on key game metrics such as churn, retention, engagement, and revenue.

By identifying these issues on a user-level basis, as a publisher, you can tie the negative ad experience to the behavioral and revenue impact on that particular group of users. This prevents the recurrence of these experiences for the affected user by removing the problematic channel or specific advertisement, thus preventing them from abandoning the game altogether.

5. Activating & Onboarding users: the key to a long-term Retention 

Fostering lasting user engagement hinges heavily on two critical components: activating users effectively and delivering an outstanding onboarding experience. If you're building for enduring user retention, these two aspects of your product funnel can't be overlooked.

Activation: A Cornerstone of Retention

A powerful activation strategy acts as the gateway to your product's potential. Without successfully introducing new users to the unique value of your product in a timely manner, overall retention is at risk. A product might be unparalleled in functionality, but long-term retention may suffer if activation doesn't happen effectively and quickly. By enhancing activation rates, you're fueling your product's growth engine.

Deciphering the phases of new user activation is key to designing a potent activation journey. With tools like Appodeal, you can track activation events and provide an understanding of the journey users take during activation.

Appodeal gives us valuable insight into our conversion rate at each funnel stage. It allows us to determine what percentage of users move forward from each previous step, the overall conversion rate of the activation funnel, and the average time users spend at each stage.

Designing an Exceptional Onboarding Journey

Designing a top-tier onboarding experience demands a thoughtful approach to several key elements. These factors are instrumental in boosting user retention, engagement, and satisfaction:

  1. Simplicity is key: Make your content clear, concise, and user-friendly to help users understand your app’s features.
  2. Get the users involved: Provide interactive and engaging activities to retain users' interest during onboarding. Highlight the most important features and actions users must perform during their initial interaction.
  3. Offer content that matters to your users: Clearly communicate the app’s purpose and benefits to encourage users to delve deeper. Prioritize introducing the key features and benefits that are most valuable and relevant to users.
  4. Be User-friendly & data transparent: CBe upfront about the onboarding process and data collection methods to foster trust and understanding.
  5. Relatable Communication: Use an eye-level tone of voice for clear, relatable, and user-friendly communication. Use animations to make onboarding more engaging and intuitive, thereby enhancing the user experience.

The Power of a Well-designed Onboarding Experience

Your onboarding experience's design significantly influences your app's success trajectory. Here's why:

  1. User Retention & Orientation: A well-crafted onboarding experience helps users understand the app's value and benefits, increasing engagement and retention. Which is our major goal for this article.
  2. First Impressions: The initial interaction with an app leaves a lasting impression. A seamless and engaging onboarding process can significantly enhance user experience, thereby encouraging continued usage.
  3. Lower Abandonment Rates: Users who face confusion or frustration during the initial interaction are more likely to abandon the app. Effective onboarding reduces this risk.
  4. Reduced Support Costs: A proper onboarding process reduces the likelihood of issues arising that require customer support, resulting in cost savings.
Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

6. Retargeting campaigns to avoid User Churn

In our journey to tackle user churn, we focus on retargeting campaigns. Retargeting refers to re-engaging users who've previously interacted with your app.

The Benefits of Retargeting

Retargeting holds a basket of benefits. It zooms in on users already acquainted with your app's value, negating the need for initial education. This increased familiarity often leads to continued app use. Additionally, retargeting cuts acquisition costs by focusing on users more likely to re-engage, making it a cost-effective approach compared to sourcing new users.

Retargeting mainly targets users who've previously installed the app, those who've downloaded the app on a different device, and inactive users. By reminding them of your app's value, retargeting boosts reactivation rates and drives downloads, potentially leading to higher ROAS and LTV.

Best Practices for Retargeting Campaigns

Crafting successful retargeting campaigns entails personalized messaging and relevant incentives. Highlight app updates or new features that may interest returning users. Utilize A/B testing to optimize your campaigns and set clear, measurable goals.

Track metrics like CTR and conversion rate, and monitor retention and revenue for a comprehensive view of your campaign's performance. And don't forget about the lifetime value of your users – it's a significant guide for ad spend allocation.

Note that returning users may have already completed actions like subscribing or purchasing. Hence, if your KPI targets unique events, returning users might not trigger them, skewing your performance metrics. Therefore, revenue should be your key growth metric, offering a more holistic perspective of your campaign's success.

7. Re-Engage your users with Rewards and Incentives

With a strategic and generous approach to rewarding your users, you'll retain existing users and transform them into brand advocates. Here's how you can harness the power of rewards to drive user engagement and loyalty.

Deploy Strategic, Timely Rewards

Encourage habitual app use with well-timed rewards that hold true value for your users. Daily challenges and trophies add an enticing element in gaming apps, while in retail apps, time-limited discounts or gifts could make all the difference. Consider offering rewards for consecutive daily logins, much like a loyalty "streak". Such incentives remind users of the advantages they stand to lose by churning.

Celebrate User Milestones

People love to be acknowledged. Use Appodeal's automated reward triggers to celebrate users' milestones. A little gift goes a long way, be it a birthday, an app-usage anniversary, or a significant achievement within the app. This keeps your brand relevant and creates a warm, personal bond with the user.

Keep Users in the Loop

If your app uses a tiered reward system, ensure your users know their current status and the rewards they stand to gain. Notifying users of their proximity to the next reward tier or any pending rewards could catalyze further app engagement. Make use of Appodeal's powerful data analytics to offer personalized reminders.

Reward User Feedback

Promote a culture of open dialogue with your user base. Encourage them to share feedback by offering rewards or incentives. This re-engages them and offers invaluable insights into their needs and preferences, thus enabling proactive churn management.

Entice Users with Exclusive Trials and Offers

Roll out exclusive, time-sensitive discounts or trials of premium features to select users. This creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency that could encourage dormant users to return and engage with your app. The key is to make the reward redemption process straightforward and user-friendly.

Host Free Events

Foster community spirit by inviting your users to free events like webinars, product launches, or networking meetups. Such events provide an opportunity to reacquaint dormant users with your brand while simultaneously strengthening relationships with active users.

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

8. Use your Historical Data & Monitor your metrics

Your gathered historical data is the compass that guides your journey. Here's how to leverage your data, key metrics, and a reliable platform like Appodeal to enhance your marketing prowess.

Decoding User Behavior to Counteract Churn

Decoding your users' behavior is instrumental in combating churn. With Appodeal, you can identify trends that may lead to app uninstalls and nip these issues in the bud to retain users effectively. As an extension of this, personalized interaction becomes key. Avoid blasting users with generic messages; tailor messages to each user's context for enhanced engagement and satisfaction.

Handling large-scale user behavior tracking and personalized messaging is a demanding task. Thus, you need a robust platform to swiftly manage millions of personalized messages. With Appodeal, you can do just that, ensuring your user engagement strategy is efficient and scalable.

Employing Historical Data for User Conversion

Using Appodeal also allows you to monitor the conversion of resurrected users. You can measure your re-engagement campaigns' success by comparing this metric with your dormant users' total count. Plus, it offers insights to identify roadblocks causing user drop-offs and opportunities for improvement. These insights guide you in adjusting your product to boost retention.

Unraveling your users' feature usage patterns can provide valuable insights into retention rates. A deeper understanding of how the frequency of use for specific features impacts retention can guide you in making decisions that boost user engagement.

Knowing your power users and the features they use, most is crucial for building effective engagement strategies. Appodeal's retention analysis tool aids in identifying these power users and understanding what makes your product appealing to them.

Tracking your top mobile app & game Metrics

Lastly, keep track of essential mobile game metrics such as DAU, MAU, ARPU, retention rate, LTV, session length, churn rate, CAC, virality coefficient, conversion rate, time to first purchase, app store ratings, reviews, engagement metrics, and network performance. 

These metrics, though varying in relevance based on your game type, target audience, and monetization model, provide a comprehensive picture of your game's performance and user experience, assisting you in optimizing your game and marketing strategies.

9. Now is the time to boost your Retention Metrics

We've navigated the maze of retention strategies, delved deep into user behavior analysis, and explored innovative ad monetization techniques. 

The power to transform your game's user retention and ad revenue lies at your fingertips. With our cutting-edge mobile growth platform, we can unlock growth opportunities that have remained hidden till now. Appodeal is here to equip you with more than just theoretical knowledge; it's here to provide you with an all-in-one growth platform for your mobile app business.

In-app bidding, hybrid monetization models, enhanced eCPM, and improved ARPDAU are no longer elusive concepts. Appodeal has already opened the doors for thousands of app creators and developers to leverage these powerful strategies.

Step into the future of the mobile gaming industry. Start your journey with Appodeal today, and turn your apps into top-earning hits.

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

A few weeks ago, I came across an article about a mobile gaming app that claimed to be getting a whopping 95% of its installs from a single playable ad. 

This staggering number piqued my curiosity and made me wonder if other mobile app publishers and game studios could achieve similar results by leveraging playable ads effectively.

And indeed, after extensive research, I found out that most use cases showed how playable ads could significantly enhance user acquisition strategies. We’re talking about an ad format that offers engaging experiences that drive high-quality installs and a high ROAS (return on ad spend).

In this blog post, I'll share some tips and best practices I discovered to help you make the most out of playable ads for your mobile games.


  1. Why Playable Ads are a Game Changer
  2. Playable ads benefits
  3. Create the Perfect Playable Ad
  4. In-Ad metrics
  5. Playable Ads today

Why Playable Ads are a Game Changer 

Playable ads have been gaining traction for a good reason – they offer an interactive and engaging advertising experience for users, giving them a taste of the game before they decide to install it. The users you acquire through playable ads are more likely to be genuinely interested in your game, leading to higher retention rates and overall better ROI.

As I mentioned, a company like ITI Studio generated an astonishing 95% of installs for their game with just one playable ad. This single ad's success increased the in-view rate (IVR) on both operating systems by 77% and lowered the cost per install (CPI) by 56%. These impressive results led ITI to allocate a staggering 96% of its advertising budget to playable ads.

Considering the global mobile gaming market, projected to reach $338 billion by the end of the decade, it's no wonder that 28% of US agency professionals have found playable ads to be the most effective in-app ad format. Playable ads convert 2.6x better than other static formats and lead to a 53% average monthly impressions increase.

Moreover, recent surveys from Appodeal partners’ revealed that, when publishers and studios integrate playable ads into their user acquisition strategies, they get:

Given the challenges of privacy constraints introduced to the market in recent years, the data strongly support the demand for playable ads.

So, if you're looking to boost your app downloads and user engagement, playable ads should definitely be on your radar. 

Playable ads benefits: attract engaged users, improve long-term retention, etc.

You might already be aware that playable ads attract engaged users and improve long-term retention. But why does this matter for mobile app publishers and game studios? Let's dive deeper into the benefits of using playable ads and how they can contribute to your app's success.

Users who install a game after engaging with a playable ad already know what to expect. They're familiar with the basic game mechanics and can start playing right away. This often leads to higher user retention and increased player lifetime value (LTV). According to Appodeal partners, playable ads can increase your retention rates by up to 40%.

Although the cost per install (CPI) for playable ads is higher than video or banner ads, the return on investment (ROI) is also higher, making it worthwhile. Moreover, since users have already experienced the game before installing it, those who might not enjoy it are already excluded. This allows game developers to focus on engaged and interested users, ultimately saving money in the long run.

Additionally, the performance of playable ads is easier to monitor, providing real-time insights into user engagement. This allows you to adjust and optimize the ad's difficulty or other aspects if it's underperforming.

In summary, playable ads offer numerous benefits, including:

However, playable ads have some cons, compared to other ad formats. Playable ads are more complex in terms of technical aspects. As a result, creating a playable ad demands a significantly greater amount of time, effort, and financial investment.

How to Create the Perfect Playable Ad

One of the most common things we’ve noticed in use cases featuring playable ads is that this ad format is not just one component in a larger user acquisition funnel; they serve as a funnel themselves. 

For this reason, when creating effective and engaging playable ads, professionals in the industry tend to break down the essential components.

The following section is a compilation of the most common elements, features, and best practices found in several use cases and success stories, many of which come from Appodeal partners. 

Context & Audience

Understanding the context and audience is crucial for creating a successful playable ad. 

Adapting the playable ad to your player’s motivations will help you develop a better campaign. For example, if you have a casual mobile game, you can create playable ads featuring different aspects of the game that appeal to various player motivations. 

If your mobile app is more complex, you may want to keep the playable simple. Don’t put all the eggs in the sack. Sometimes less is more.

And if your target audience is unaware of the specifics of your game, you can even combine multiple ad formats to provide users with the context they need. For instance, you can create an ad creative that combines videos, playable ads, and attention-grabbing end cards for a more engaging ad experience.


The tutorial briefly introduces the main game mechanics and should be short and simple. Similar to your mobile game, the tutorial should serve as a hook to engage viewers and get them interested in the game.

Remember that simplicity is key in most mobile ad formats, especially for non-gaming apps. A playable can be as simple as choosing a favorite among songs or movies for streaming apps or a short, interactive quiz for a news app. 

This is the ideal situation for concise, straightforward copy and visual cues like flashing hands. Communicate to the user that they must take action. Employ powerful action verbs such as "match," "tap," "strike," and so on.


Playables don't need to represent the full game experience but should showcase basic, early-game features and mechanics. Focus on demonstrating the gameplay experience, including different game assets, animations, music, and sound effects.

Unlike the tutorial, the player interacts with the game without much guidance. 

Think about how to represent your game in the best light, and consider all the selling points of your game. It's a good idea to divide the core gameplay into several elements, showcasing different selling points with each playable ad.

Call to Action

Most playable include a call to action (CTA), either embedded throughout the ad or appearing at the end. The goal is to invite users to download the game, leading to a conversion. 

The CTA should be clear and convincing, with creative copy and bold visuals directing users to download the app or act brand-appropriately.

While you can include the CTA after the viewers are done playing, it's better to make the download button available throughout the ad. That way, users can choose to install the game at any point.

Post-Install Experience

Align your playable ad creative with the authentic in-app experience. This approach is crucial for down-funnel metrics like ROAS (return on ad spend) and LTV (lifetime value). Working with an ad partner like Appodeal's Creative Studio can help you strike the right balance, make informed creative decisions, and create custom strategies to make an impact.

Rewarded approaches, such as giving players virtual currency or in-game items in exchange for viewing an ad, can also be effective. For non-gaming apps, rewards could include coupons, deep discounts on products or services, or gifts with purchases. 

Giving users incentives to complete the activity in an interactive ad increases the chance they'll see it through to the end and take the next action.

In-Ad metrics: New KPI’s to identify a successful playable ad

While standard ad performance metrics like CPI, CTR, CPA, and ROAS are relevant to playable ads, the interactive nature of these ads introduces additional, valuable "in-ad metrics." These metrics help measure the effectiveness of various elements within the ad and provide insights for improving future iterations.

Second 1 Retention (S1 Retention)

Unlike mobile games focusing on Day 1 (D1) retention, playable ads emphasize Second 1 (S1) retention. S1 retention ensures users understand the ad is interactive and requires their engagement. Utilize clear copy, engaging visuals, and strong action verbs like "match," "tap," and "strike" to guide users.

High S1 retention indicates a well-performing playable ad. If your KPI is centered around S1 retention, your campaign likely focuses on brand awareness, aiming to create a memorable ad experience and later converting users through retargeting.

Second 6 Retention (S6 Retention)

Optimizing the tutorial phase, which occurs within the first few seconds, is crucial for retaining users. Employ best practices like showing hands for swiping, highlighting key buttons, providing clear hints, and offering concise instructions to improve S6 retention. This metric measures the effectiveness of onboarding users into the ad, reducing the chance of user frustration and app abandonment.

Second 14 Retention (S14 Retention)

At around 14 seconds, users should be fully engaged in the ad. The gameplay, a vital yet challenging section to optimize, must balance difficulty and enjoyment. Guide users without revealing all the answers and keep them engaged. Consider the game genre when optimizing for difficulty, as it can impact user behavior.

S14 retention measures overall ad enjoyment, as users at this stage have shown interest in the gameplay and are more likely to enjoy the actual game.

Second 30 Retention (S30 Retention)

By S30, users have completed the gameplay, viewed the end card, and encountered the CTA to install the game. These users are the highest-quality acquired players. However, reaching S30 does not guarantee an install. Optimizing for S30 involves carefully crafting CTAs, using appealing colors and graphics, and considering the difficulty level of the gameplay.

Winning or losing the game can significantly impact S30 retention. Users who win are more likely to continue through S30 and ultimately convert.

Start with Playable Ads Today

Playable ads are revolutionizing the mobile advertising landscape, offering engaging and interactive experiences for users while providing valuable insights for developers and publishers. By understanding the importance of this ad format and implementing best practices, you can create the perfect playable ad that appeals to your target audience, effectively showcases your game's features, and encourages user interaction.

Key components of successful playable ads include understanding the context and audience, crafting effective tutorials and engaging gameplay, developing a strong call-to-action, and ensuring a seamless post-install experience. In addition to standard ad metrics, playable ads benefit from unique in-ad metrics such as S1, S6, S14, and S30 retention, which help measure and optimize various elements within the ad for maximum performance.

By focusing on these aspects and leveraging the insights gained from in-ad metrics, you can create playable ads that resonate with your audience, increase brand awareness, and drive app installs. With the right balance of creativity and optimization, you can make a lasting impact on users and elevate the success of your ad campaigns.

Take advantage of the power of playable ads in your future ad campaigns by partnering with Appodeal. Our expertise and advanced ad optimization solutions will help you create captivating, high-performing playable ads that increase user engagement and deliver impressive results for your app or game. Don't miss out on the opportunity to stand out in the competitive mobile market – start harnessing the potential of playable ads with Appodeal today!

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

In today's fast-paced and competitive mobile app market, App Store Optimization (ASO) has become crucial to ensuring success for app developers and publishers. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a key player in this dynamic landscape, helping developers and marketers refine their ASO strategies and boost their apps' visibility. As AI technology advances, it becomes an increasingly essential tool in navigating the complexities of ASO.

AI-powered tools, like ChatGPT, have been making strides in streamlining and automating various ASO tasks, allowing app marketers to optimize their strategies and stay ahead of the competition.

In this article, we will explore how AI can benefit ASO managers, and add more value to their already invaluable efforts.

Table of Contents:

How AI Tools Can Boost Your ASO

ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, has gained considerable attention for its ability to generate human-like responses and provide creative solutions in various domains, including ASO. 

AI-driven language models are transforming the way we approach ASO. Chatbots can help app marketers automate several aspects of their ASO efforts: keyword research, crafting engaging app descriptions, and analyzing user feedback. 

Incorporating AI-driven insights can help optimize marketing campaigns, leading to better targeting and increased user acquisition, providing you with a competitive advantage in the app store. 

While Appodeal may not offer direct tools to impact ASO, Appodeal's powerful ad mediation, user acquisition analysis, and business intelligence tools can be used with AI-enhanced ASO strategies to ensure maximum growth opportunities for app developers. 

In the upcoming sections, we will explore how ChatGPT can be utilized to boost ASO efforts and how it can complement the robust features provided by Appodeal to drive app success in the mobile marketplace.

Keyword Research and Metadata Optimization

Finding the perfect keywords with ChatGPT

One of the critical aspects of App Store Optimization is effective keyword research, and ChatGPT is here to help! 

Mobile studios and publishers can quickly generate a list of relevant keywords related to their app's niche or functionality. Give ChatGPT some context or a description of your app, and watch it whip up a list of relevant keywords.

A brief description or context of your app can generate various keywords that can be used to enhance your app's discoverability in the app stores. 

This way, you can say goodbye to endless brainstorming sessions and identify high-quality keywords for your app.

Checking out the competition and search volume

Armed with a shiny new list of keywords, it's time to evaluate the effectiveness of your keywords in terms of competition and search volume.

ChatGPT has your back again by offering valuable insights into keyword trends and what your rivals are up to. By monitoring these data points, you can decide which keywords to prioritize for your ASO efforts. This ensures that your app has the best chance of ranking higher in search results and attracting more users.

Choose the best keywords for your app and climb up those search rankings!

Sprucing up your metadata with AI-generated insights

Now that you've got the right keywords, you can optimize your app's metadata to improve your ASO (App Store Optimization). 

ChatGPT can help craft catchy and keyword-rich app descriptions that will resonate with your potential users, from the title and subtitle to the description. Additionally, you can use AI-generated insights to target different languages and regions with localized metadata. 

This will ensure that your app appeals to a broader audience and helps you stay ahead of the competition.

Crafting Engaging ASO Descriptions

Create the most persuasive app descriptions with ChatGPT

An engaging ASO description is crucial for capturing user attention and driving downloads. ChatGPT is a valuable tool for creating persuasive and informative descriptions and showing your app's unique features and benefits. 

Feed the AI with key information about your app and the tone you want, and it'll whip up creative and tailored descriptions that connect with your target audience. 

You can even use the insights the Appodeal mobile growth platform provides to optimize your app's messaging further.

Chat GPT to localize your ASO

If you want your app to reach people around the globe, you'll need to adapt your ASO description to different languages and cultures.

ChatGPT can help you in the localization process by generating spot-on translations and content for each market. 

This way, your app's message stays consistent and attractive, giving it the best chance to succeed worldwide.

Keyword Usage vs. Readability: finding the perfect balance

Optimizing your app description involves more than just incorporating relevant keywords. 

You need to balance keyword usage with readability if you want to keep your content engaging and easy to read. And again, ChatGPT can help you find the sweet spot, too. 

You can craft content that blends your target keywords naturally without sacrificing readability. The result? Improved conversion rates and a more enjoyable experience for your app's potential users.

Boost Your User Reviews and Ratings

Increase your App’s score with ChatGPT's Help

Positive ASO reviews and ratings are vital for improving your app's visibility and credibility. ChatGPT can help you create effective prompts, in-app messages, and push notifications that encourage users to share their feedback and thoughts.

For example, you can ask the AI to suggest ideas that invite users to leave a review or rate their experience. You can also craft customized in-app messages based on user behavior, preferences, etc. And if your core economy allows it, try sending push notifications at just the right time, offering incentives, in-app rewards, or bonuses for their participation.

It is widely known that tailored messaging, based on user behavior and preferences, resonates better with users and puts them in the right state of mind to leave genuine reviews that reflect your app's true value.

Reply to Reviews with AI-Crafted Responses

Engaging and chatting with users by answering their reviews can improve your app's reputation. 

You can try crafting personalized and empathetic responses to user feedback with chatGPT, tackling their worries and celebrating their compliments. 

Other great ideas to improve your conversations are to set clear response goals, such as addressing a concern, offering a solution, or expressing gratitude for positive feedback. And never forget to review previous comments. 

Feed your AI tools with your reviews, and let ChatGPT create responses with the right words and tone, always making the necessary adjustments to ensure a genuine connection with the user.

Show you're all about improving the user experience, and users will keep returning for more.

Track your app's reputation with AI Tools.

Keeping track of ASO reviews and ratings is key to ensuring your app stays on top.

ASO managers analyze user sentiment, spot trends and areas to work on, and decide which reviews must be prioritized. 

This is, again, another opportunity for AI tools to simplify those processes. You can better understand how your users feel about your app by automatically analyzing the reviews and extracting the user sentiment. In addition to that, you can detect patterns in user feedback, highlighting recurring issues or areas where your app excels. 

Ultimately, depending on the conclusions you extract from that analysis, you can prioritize your future actions depending on factors like sentiment, review age, and reviewer influence.

Integrating AI into Your ASO Workflow

However, if you have just started scratching the surface of AI tools, it may seem complex and tedious to start developing a well-structured workflow that combines AI-generated insights with human expertise. 

Here are some useful lists of best practices and guidelines on jumping on this train while it’s still in the station.

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT and Other AI Tools

  1. Develop a well-structured workflow that combines AI-generated insights with human expertise. This balances AI's creativity and efficiency and human professionals' context-sensitive judgment.
  2. Regularly review the AI-generated content for accuracy and relevance. AI tools are constantly improving but can still generate content that might not be entirely accurate or appropriate. Make sure to double-check the output and make adjustments as needed.
  3. Ensure that you're using up-to-date AI models. AI technology constantly evolves, so it's essential to keep your tools updated to benefit from the latest advancements and improvements.
  4. Stay informed about the latest advancements in AI technology. Subscribe to newsletters, attend webinars, and join industry forums to keep up with the cutting-edge developments in AI and ASO.

Combining AI with Traditional ASO Techniques for Optimal Results

From our point of view, we believe AI tools should complement, not replace, traditional ASO techniques.

Having said that, here are some ideas on how to combine the two of them:

  1. Competitor analysis: Use AI tools to quickly identify and analyze top-performing competitors' apps, but also conduct manual research to understand the nuances of their strategies and messaging.
  2. A/B testing: While AI can generate multiple variations of app descriptions, screenshots, and other store listing elements, human expertise is essential for selecting the best options for A/B testing and analyzing the results to refine your ASO strategies.
  3. Manual keyword research: Use AI-generated keyword suggestions as a starting point, but validate their relevance, search volume, and competition manually or with other ASO tools to ensure they are the best fit for your app.

Staying on top of the latest AI-driven ASO Trends

As AI continues to evolve, new trends in AI-driven ASO are likely to emerge. 

Those are some of the following trends that we expect to see between ASO and AI tools:

  1. More sophisticated AI algorithms can better understand user intent and behavior, allowing for improved targeting and personalization in app store listings.
  2. AI-driven automation of routine ASO tasks, allowing ASO professionals to focus on more strategic aspects of app growth.
  3. Developing AI models that can predict the impact of ASO changes on app store rankings and user acquisition allows for more data-driven decision-making.

The Future of ASO with ChatGPT and AI Advancements

ChatGPT and other AI tools will play an increasingly important role in ASO as AI technology advances. Moreover, using AI-driven tools like ChatGPT is key to staying competitive in the fast-moving app market. 

We believe integrating AI in ASO workflows will enable more efficient and targeted optimization strategies, leading to greater visibility and success for apps in the highly competitive app market.

Appodeal, a leading mobile growth platform, can help publishers and studios grow their games by offering a comprehensive suite of tools and services that complement AI-driven ASO strategies. With Appodeal, you can optimize your ad monetization strategy, analyze user acquisition campaigns, and harness the power of business intelligence to detect growth opportunities for your games.

Combining ChatGPT's AI-powered awesomeness with Appodeal's top-notch features gives you a winning combo for app success in the ever-competitive mobile market.

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23

In today's fast-paced digital world, mobile apps have become an essential part of everyday life for many people. From social media to online shopping and gaming, there's an app for almost everything.

As a result, mobile studios are investing heavily in user acquisition to tap into their audiences. However, creating a successful mobile business requires more than just a great app. You also need a solid marketing strategy to reach and engage your target audience. One of the most critical elements of this strategy is advertising.

Advertising is crucial in driving user acquisition and engagement for mobile apps. It's also one of the biggest expenses for app developers and marketers. With increasing competition, advertising costs are increasing, making it challenging to balance ad spending with user growth and engagement.

The goal is to reach a large number of potential users while still maintaining the highest return on investment (ROI). To achieve this, businesses must be strategic in their approach to advertising, focusing on the most effective channels while cutting back on less effective ones.

In this article, we'll explore strategies for cutting ad budgets without sacrificing the quality of user acquisition campaigns.


  1. Understand your Target Audience
  2. Analyze your Ad Performance
  3. Quality over Quantity
  4. Remarketing
  5. Optimizing Ad Creatives
  6. Influencer Marketing
  7. Monitor, Adjust & Iterate
  8. Follow Best Practices

1. Understand Your Target Audience

When it comes to mobile apps and games, understanding your target audience is crucial for creating a successful ad campaign.


Knowing who your users are and what they need will help you determine the best channels for reaching them.

How to Understand your Target Audience?

Here are a few ways to better understand your target audience for these types of products:

  1. Demographic Data: Collect information about your target audience's age, gender, location, education, and income level. This will give you a good idea of your target audience and their interests and needs.
  2. User Behavior: Analyze the behavior of your current users. Look at how often they use your app, what features they engage with the most, and how long they spend using it. This information can help you tailor your ads to specific segments of your target audience.
  3. Psychographic Data: Study your target audience's values, attitudes, and personality traits. This information can help you create ads that resonate with your audience's values and lifestyle.
  4. App Store Data: Take advantage of the data available in app store listings. Review the user reviews and ratings to understand what users like and dislike about similar apps.

By combining this information, you can create a profile of your target audience and use it to create ads that are more likely to engage and convert them into paying users.

Monitoring your target audience

It is also important to continuously monitor and update your understanding of your target audience. As consumer behavior changes over time, your target audience may evolve, so it is essential to reassess and adjust your strategies accordingly regularly.

Once you have a good understanding of your target audience, it is important to segment them into different groups based on their behaviors and preferences. This allows you to create more personalized and relevant ads for each group, increasing their engagement and the chances of conversion.

By understanding your target audience, using tools to gather information, segmenting your audience, and continuously monitoring their behavior, you can create ads that effectively engage and convert your target audience.

This way, you can finally adjust your ad campaigns to improve their performance over time.

2. Analyze your UA Ad Performance

Once you clearly understand your target audience, it's time to analyze your ad performance.

Analyzing ad performance is crucial in determining the success of your advertising efforts. By monitoring key metrics such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, cost per acquisition (CPA), and return on investment (ROI), you can get a clear picture of which ads are performing well and which ones are not.


One of the key benefits of analyzing ad performance is that it allows you to make data-driven decisions about your ad spend. By identifying which ads generate the most engagement and conversions, you can optimize your ad budget to focus on those producing the best results. This helps you to cut your ad budget without sacrificing the quality of your user acquisition campaigns.

Understand your Metrics & Goals

Understanding your goals and metrics is important to analyze ad performance effectively. This may involve setting up tracking and measurement systems that capture key performance indicators and provide you with detailed insights into your ad campaign.

Once you clearly understand your ad performance, you can use this information to make informed decisions about your ad strategy. For example, if a particular ad is not generating the desired results, you can adjust its targeting, messaging, or creative elements to see if it improves performance.

By regularly analyzing ad performance, you can make data-driven decisions that optimize your ad budget, and ensure that your advertising efforts generate the best possible results.

3. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Regarding mobile advertising, sometimes quality is more important than quantity.

Focusing on quality over quantity in ad campaigns is crucial for cutting ad budgets without sacrificing the quality of your user acquisition campaigns. High-quality ads can effectively engage users, even with a smaller ad budget.

Rather than spreading your advertising budget across multiple channels, focus on the channels providing the best results. This will help you maximize your ROI while reducing your advertising costs.

This way, you can reduce your ad budget while still achieving your desired user growth and engagement. Remember to ensure success by prioritizing relevance, clarity, and visual appeal when developing your ad campaign.

4. Use Remarketing

Remarketing is a powerful tool for reaching users who have already shown an interest in your product or service.

Remarketing is a powerful technique that can help increase user engagement and retention in mobile apps and games. It involves reaching out to users who have already interacted with your app or game in some way, such as downloading it, making a purchase, or simply visiting the app store page. By targeting these users, you can improve the chances of retaining them as active users and encourage them to continue engaging with your app or game.


Push Notifications

One way to implement remarketing in mobile apps and games is through push notifications. Push notifications can remind users about the app or game and offer them incentives, such as rewards or exclusive content, to encourage them to re-engage.

For example, if a user hasn't used a mobile game for a few days, a push notification could be sent with a message like "Come back and play to earn a special prize."

Targeted Ads

Another way to use remarketing in mobile apps and games is through targeted ads. For example, if a user has abandoned an app or game mid-level, targeted ads could be displayed to remind them about the app and entice them to return and complete the level. By using targeted ads, you can ensure your advertising budget is spent on users who will most likely re-engage with your app or game.

Control your Timing

Another important aspect of remarketing in mobile apps and games is timing. It's important to send push notifications and remarketing ads at the right time, such as when a user is most likely engaged and has time to re-engage with your app or game. For example, if your app or game is primarily used during the evening, you may want to send push notifications or display ads in the evenings when users are more likely to have time to engage with your app.

By reaching out to users who have already shown interest in your app or game, you can improve the chances of retaining them as active users and encourage them to continue engaging with your app.

Through targeted ads and timing your remarketing efforts effectively, you can maximize the impact of your remarketing efforts and achieve your user engagement and retention goals.

5. Optimize Ad Creatives

Another way to maximize the impact of your advertising budget is by optimizing your ad creatives.

Optimizing ad creatives is important for cutting ad budgets without sacrificing your user acquisition campaigns. Ad creatives refer to the visual and text components of an advertisement. When these components are not optimized, it can result in low engagement, low conversion rates, and, ultimately, low return on investment (ROI).


Steps to optimize ad creatives:

  1. Test different ad formats - Experiment with different ad formats such as interstitials, banners, rewarded videos, and native ads to see which ones perform best for your target audience.
  2. Use high-quality visuals - Ensure that your ad creatives have high-quality visuals that are eye-catching and relevant to the target audience.
  3. Keep the messaging clear and concise - Keep the messaging in your ad creatives clear and concise so that it is easy for the target audience to understand and take action.
  4. Use emotional appeals - Emotional appeals effectively boost engagement and conversion rates. Consider incorporating emotional appeals in your ad creatives to tap into the emotional connection of your target audience.
  5. Personalize the ad creatives - Personalizing the ad creatives using the target audience's location, interests, or behavior can increase engagement and conversion rates.

By following these tips and continuously monitoring and adjusting the ad creatives, you can optimize your ad spend and achieve quality UA campaigns. Regular testing and optimization of ad creatives can help increase your ad budget's ROI and drive better results for your business.

6. Utilize Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience and drive user engagement. By partnering with influencers with a large following in your target market, you can leverage their reach to promote your app.

In other articles, we have covered some tips for game studios that want to start working with influencers, and even some of the worst mistakes of influencer marketing from mobile game studios.

Influencer marketing can be a more cost-effective alternative to traditional advertising channels, especially if you choose influencers who are a good fit for your product or service.


7. Monitor, Adjust & Iterate

To ensure the best return on investment for ad spend, it's important to monitor and adjust campaigns continuously. Data-driven insights and ad performance analysis can highlight improvement areas and inform optimization decisions. This can involve tweaking targeting, testing different creatives, or changing bid strategy.

One key aspect of monitoring ad performance is tracking the right metrics. The most important metrics will vary depending on the goals of each campaign, but common metrics to consider include cost per acquisition, return on ad spend, and the user LTV (lifetime value).

Use the data to make informed decisions.

Once data is collected, it's important to use it to make informed decisions.

 For example, if a particular targeting strategy drives high acquisition costs, it may be time to try a different approach. On the other hand, if a creative element is performing particularly well, it may be wise to double down and create similar creative for other campaigns.

It's also important to avoid getting too fixated on short-term performance. User acquisition is just one piece of the puzzle – user retention and lifetime value are just as important, if not more so. As such, it's important to keep the bigger picture in mind and make decisions that will drive long-term success, even if they temporarily impact short-term performance.


Monitoring and adjusting ad campaigns is crucial to ensuring that ad budgets are being used effectively and efficiently. By tracking the right metrics, making informed decisions, and keeping the long-term in mind, businesses can cut ad budgets without sacrificing the quality of their user acquisition campaigns.

8. Cutting Ad Budgets while maintaining the quality of your UA Campaigns

In conclusion, mobile app and game studios must be strategic in their ad budget planning to ensure they are not sacrificing quality user growth.

By focusing on quality over quantity, optimizing ad creatives, analyzing ad performance, understanding the target audience, and utilizing remarketing techniques, mobile studios can effectively reduce ad spend while still acquiring high-value users.

Follow these best practices to attract high-quality users and keep them engaged, and you will find your way to long-term success and growth.

As the competition in the mobile app and game market continues to increase, developers need to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about their ad budget to ensure they are getting the best return on investment.

It is important to continuously monitor and adjust ad strategies to ensure optimal performance and return on investment. By taking a data-driven approach to advertising, mobile app, and game developers can successfully grow their user base without sacrificing their bottom line.

Holiday Season Mobile In-App Ad eCPM Report '23